What is your BIG WHY?
I remember my own breaking point of when I decided to start my own business. It was difficult as I was already working a corporate job, high in rankings, good money with good benefits, company car, and the ability to work from home (which wasn’t really heard of way back when ☺. It was my last ditch effort to transform my life into one that I loved, and make the money I knew I deserved. I remember my thoughts – if I fail, I will have to move in with my parents, with 2 young children. I was determined not to let that be my fate. Not that living with my parents was a bad thing, but at 37, with 2 young children and a broken marriage, I needed to find success for myself. I’m sure you get my drift on this one.
You need to prove it to yourself, that you can! No one else really matters. Well, to be honest, my little children needed to see what it was like to believe in a dream, and to not let it go. I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done, just so they can learn what it was like to be so convinced, that I put everything I had on the line, to succeed for me, and also for them. We traveled the world on that success. We saw and experienced moments and events, most people dream about. It was my dream, but they also benefited from it.
‘Can I do this?’
If you are asking yourself this question, I’m here to tell you that you can. If I can do it, so can you! I had very little help along the way in 24 years of private practice and selling ONLY to corporate clients, but I’ve managed to have a 6-digit revenue from business every year except 2 (I was in school full-time becoming a Homeopathic Practitioner). You have me, to help you with all my experience and knowledge to date. It will be easier for you than it was for me. Learn from my mistakes, take on recommendations from my experience, and succeed like I have. That’s what I want for you.
2. Is fear stopping you from your success?
The ultimate questions of ‘what ifs?’. Too many times in my life time, fear took over, even though my intuition told me it was good for me. We fall into this safe, yet paralyzing times in our lives about whether or not we should leave a marriage, or take on a new job, or in this case, try something you’ve never tried before. What if it doesn’t work? Really the question should be what if it does work? Can you accept the success that comes with this program? Sometimes success is the real issue, not failure.
Life is about taking risks, and the willingness to transform ourselves into more, for our tomorrows, is exactly what we need to take on. We can’t stay the same or at least, I don’t think we should. I think it’s important to grow and allow yourself to be uncomfortable, if you want more out of life.
3. But the timing isn’t right!
The timing is never right to do anything. You just need to make it the right timing. These are excuses we say to ourselves when #2 or #1 above, sets in. The universe and you decide when it’s right. Take the plunge.
Feel the Fear and do it Anyways – written by Sandra Jeffers. If you haven’t read this book, consider buying it or getting it from the library.
Jack Canfield’s book – How to Get from Where you Are to Where you Want to Be has been my guiding light. I took his coaching program and then returned a year later to take his training program to become a coach. It has gotten me from where I was to where I wanted to be – right here with you!
4. I should just toss in the towel and get a job!
Take a job if you want to, but ALSO do the program. Give yourself a chance to succeed in your dreams. All too many times in my life, many people told me to get a job, a real job – this from people that loved me. It isn’t what we need to hear. I’m a firm believer in finding a way to succeed and I will keep finding new ways until I do.
I asked myself when I had already gone through 4 or 5 jobs very early in my career (I can’t even remember now how many), why I couldn’t stick it out. I was so unhappy clocking in and clocking out every day, seeing the same people and feeling like I was going nowhere fast! It wasn’t until I started my business at 37 years old, that I knew I was going to be a lifer! I stayed in this business 24 years and counting, and have opened up 3 more businesses, and about to open up 2 more! It gives me a sense of accomplishment and confidence that is so hard to write into words.
Here’s a good word. Pride! I’m proud of what I’ve done. I’ve taken a route to success that many won’t take. I’ve believed in myself and knew I could succeed. I’ve kept the possibilities and the light burning inside of me for my passions of having a successful health care practice. You can too!
5. Why would any corporation buy services from me?
Honestly, when I started to write this online training and coaching program, I thought, who the heck is going to buy this? What am I doing? What right do I have to think anyone would buy my program? I’ve spent so much money and time writing this program, and thought this is sheer craziness! But I invested in myself, so I can live the life I want, and be the success I deserve to be. I would rather fail in trying, than fail in not even trying.
In order to transform my life into the best it can be, sometimes it takes going out on a limb, or trying something new, or spending more money for more training. So many more thoughts came to my mind, but you know what, I had 2 people who believed in the program and bought it before it went to print!
If you can’t validate taking this course for yourself, find these 2 people! Find someone that supports all your crazy decisions! Talk to them, and only them. They sometimes know more than you, that you too, can do this!
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