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2024 is Your Accelerator Year - How to Get Corporate Clients

How to get corporate clients is an essential way to grow your practice and boost your revenues. 2024 is here and what better way to honour its arrival than with valuable information on how to get corporate clients so that you can grow the business of your dreams! It’s time to get to where you’ve always wanted ~ to be of service to more clients, to put more money in your bank account, and to provide yourself and your family with immense success to enjoy traveling the world, and experiencing more of life. 

2024 will be a powerful year because numerology is an amazing resource to use for insights and guidance. Here is what people are saying about 2024 – an 8 year, and why it’s so powerful! Use the momentum of the universe to propel yourself to success!

How to get corporate clients

Astrologer Renee Watt provides some action items for people hoping to harness the energy of an eight year, and make steps toward materials gains or an expansion of personal power.

“Find the courage to cut out passive behaviors. Advocate for oneself and negotiate better pay. The universe favors those who are bold yet fair, so remember that finding your own strength doesn’t mean cutting others down. Stand firm in your resolve, believe in yourself and great things will manifest," she says.

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The 8 Universal Year is an “accelerator”

The 8 Universal year is a time to make intentional moves. With a focus on the material aspects of life, we can take direct and powerful leaps forward to manifest our dreams—and get paid doing it.

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What the Numerology of 2024 Means

The numerology of 2024 will have you saying, “Yes, please!” Get ready to catch your blessings, because here they come. As an 8 Universal Year Number, 2024 is full of themes around expansion, financial wealth, and embodying strength. This is the year to own that main character energy and not be shy about it. Here are a few keywords connected to the 8 energy: Leadership, power, karma, and infinity.

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There are hundreds if not thousands of articles about 2024, and the year 8. Year 8 is about abundance and action, with the 8 also being recognized as an infinity symbol. Year 9 is completion – so let’s get to it this year! It’s time!

I digress ☺

How to Get Corporate Clients is a program I started creating over 8 years ago, and with all of life’s moments, you know what I mean, moving 5 times in 5 years, the pandemic, growing another business or 2 and so much more, I finally finished my life’s work to share with you because it’s THAT important.

How to Get Corporate Clients:

The process is broken down for you in this amazing online training and coaching program, called Attracting Corporate Clients to Boost Your Revenues. I think it’s amazing because it’s a step-by-step process for you to master, with me guiding you along the way. You then take everything I’ve learned over the past (almost) 40 years and everything you’ve learned in a few months, to repeat many times over, a process that will transform your life, and that of your business. It’s that powerful!

Many of my health and holistic colleagues have been talking about how to get corporate clients,  and I’m thinking, ‘it’s so easy!’ It’s all I have ever done to pay my bills and enjoy a fruitful career.  I don’t understand why others aren’t doing it. 

How to get corporate clients is easy for me, because I’ve done it for many years! It’s one of those ‘things’ I’m good at. Actually, I’m really good at it! So, I dusted off my Attracting Corporate Clients’ program that I started to deliver to the public 8 years ago, and I’m offering it to you now! It’s available for your registration so that we can begin to work together, so that you can make 2024 your year of abundance and achievement. 

The Elite program provides you with 6 months of coaching and 1 year of access to the program and community. I have always felt strongly that a great guide offers support and engaging techniques in an awesome way to help others obtain results. This isn’t a course of several weeks long and then you have to figure it out yourself. I am dedicated to supporting your success by offering my experience to you in ways you haven’t yet implemented. The Elite program is the choice that best suits adult learning when you have other things to do, like raise children, work a full-time job and whatever life throws at you. It allows you to pace yourself while you learn, and implement the strategies as you go.

The Premium package offers half the support as the Elite program, but just as powerful. Some of you need guidance, but maybe not that much. It just depends on your learning style. How to get corporate clients is simply explained in the training program and with help along the way, you can get in front of a corporate client or employer and sell your life’s work, to boost your revenues and realize success.

The Essentials is the training program without coaching. I developed the training program with examples, homework, information and training to start the journey. It’s amazing on its own as well, and if you feel like you need coaching, you can always add it to your package as you go along. 

Whatever your choice of training or schooling for 2024, it’s the year to build and reap the rewards, and find out how to attract corporate clients. Pick a training program that supports your goals. Only  you know what that is. Book a 15 minute free chat on zoom to see if this program is a good fit for you!

Lucie Fournier, Founder of Fournier Coaching

Certified Success Coach

Schedule a complimentary chat with me to learn more about how to get more chiropractic patients, with our Attracting Corporate Clients online training and coaching program.

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