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How to Attract Corporate Clients with a Coach

Updated: Jan 23

How to attract corporate clients is the focus and title of my signature program, all about coaching and mentoring interested health & holistic professionals that want to elevate their present business status. We’ve all heard titles like ‘coach’ or ‘mentor’,  but what do they really mean? More importantly, what do they offer and why would you need one?

In today’s time, there are a lot of titles that have little meaning or better yet, bring about ambiguity in what people really do for a living. If you appreciate the work of Robin Sharma, his book, The Leader Who Had No Title, comes to mind.

I’m apt to side with Robin that leaders don’t need a title, but businesses love to give titles to their employees. Some tell you exactly what they do for their job, such as Chicken Feather Plucker (this seems obvious) to Wellness Coordinator (this seems obvious too but it has very little to do with wellness). To be honest, I’ve read these job ads of Wellness Coordinator positions and they are mostly about disability management. It has a positive connotation on it, but in reality, it’s a very reactive role that kicks into place once someone is sick and off work. 

How to Attract Corporate Clients with a Coach

Actual Health  & Wellness is often absent at the workplace which is why my signature program, How to Attract Corporate Clients, is so needed. Too many employers have no health & wellness options at the work site to keep their employees at work, and off disability. We need you, and your colleagues as health and holistic health practitioners to offer your services to support healthier organizations and healthier employees. It’s time we put health & wellness before disability management, and give more opportunity to local practitioners to make a difference in a larger environment.

So, what is coaching? And how can it help to Attract Corporate Clients?

Tony Robbins, Motivational Speaker and ‘Life’ coach, gives us his version of the difference between coaching and therapist.  As Tony says, “Therapists help clients explore and understand their subconscious and unconscious mind. Their goal in this exploration is deep understanding. 

A Life Coaches focuses on results and actions. Goals can be measured with key performance indicators and specific behavioral outcomes and goals”.

You can catch his article here:

For years, I’ve been a Disability Consultant working with corporations. For just as many years, I’ve presented numerous seminars, workshops and training programs and have my Certified Success Coach Certification with Jack Canfield in the Success Principles. For those of you that don’t know Jack, he is the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and so many other amazing books! He is also known as a Success Coach (here is that title coach again). You can find more about Jack, here.

Through coaching, I offer what Jack has taught me in this signature program, How to Attract Corporate Clients. The skills I have learned from Jack are how to help others ‘get from where they are to where they want to be’. Call that a coach, mentor or consultant – call it whatever you want - but this is what I do!

My expertise in working with corporations for over 3 decades has given me the opportunity to provide this type of work at a professional coaching level. The coaching  that I offer can help health and holistic health practitioners transform their careers and businesses to even greater heights through personal & professional development. Instead of struggling to fill their schedule with one client at a time, practitioners can market companies, and fill their timetables with a host of employees at one company, or more. With coaching, I believe both aspects of your life are transformed for the better – your career and your personal life. 

Throughout my signature program on how to Attract Corporate Clients, I have taken Jack’s teachings, and have provided some of his Success Principles throughout my modules, so you too can transform your life, and your business.

Schedule a chat to find out more about how to attract corporate clients.

How to attract corporate clients with a coach

Lucie Fournier, Founder of Fournier Coaching

Certified Success Coach

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