In this 4-part blog series, we discuss the basic foundations of the why, how and the what of how to start a corporate wellness business, along with the when – benefits of when you achieve success. It requires no in-the-box thinking whatsoever. If you have ‘a box type of thinking mentality’, chances are this program isn’t for you. Working with corporations requires holistic and health care practitioners, to work in their own creative framework, versus following the crowds, and to be clear as to ‘why’ they want to, in the first place. For me, having a larger impact made sense. The old adage of ‘go big or go home’ had meaning, and I wanted to touch the lives of many, not a few.
This 4-part series will uncover how to start a corporate business by answering:
Part 4 of how to start a corporate wellness business examines the ‘when’.Â

The why, how and what of your business has already been discussed in part 1, 2 and 3. If you haven’t read those yet, take the time to do so, so you have a complete picture of the goals with this program, Attracting Corporate Clients.
The ‘when’ discussed in this part 4 of the blog, is one of the most exciting parts of working with corporate clients. When you’ve achieved the first 3 parts, you achieve success in starting your own corporate practice with the steady flow of referrals for years to come. If you aren’t succeeding so far, stay the course by implementing the above 3 components on how to start a corporate business.
It’s this ripple effect that I’ve experienced over the years of helping one organization and seeing another call or email me to work with them, too! No marketing! Just word of mouth.Â
In today’s times, there is such a huge push to post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and so many more platforms, in order to obtain one consumer. A lot of work, in what I call a method to madness. Who really sees you? How many times do you have to post? Are you getting lost among the thousands of others marketing their business? It’s important to do this type of marketing but it’s more important to go outside of the expected marketing rituals of today’s times.

How to start a corporate wellness business is getting directly to the people that have a need for your service and that are also ready to buy. They aren’t buying if you haven’t showed them why you do what you do, and how your process is going to get them the results they want as an organization concerned about the health of their employees. The ‘when’ is you reaping the rewards of your hard work. ‘When’ you get clients, you work hard at the why, how and what your corporate practice offers so you can soak in the success. ‘When’ you get there, you enjoy many benefits to working with corporate clients:
Sustainable long-term customers
Less competition with your colleagues
Less overhead costs
Reliable source of monthly incomes
Onsite health leadership
Valued community resource
Many more benefits.
If you haven’t seen our ‘Benefits of Working with Corporate Clients’, click for a quick summary.
The ‘when’ is your arrival to success. Now what do you do? Coast if you want. Excel for more if you fancy. Grow your corporate practice to a corporation.
We all do business differently. I started with just myself working in the business, then I grew to 10 subcontractors with lots of work coming in, and then I decided to reduce it again to just me. I enjoyed getting contracts without managing others to do the work. I’ve seen many disability management companies open after I started, making millions of dollars, but the effort and time it took to do this wasn’t something I wanted for myself.Â
Could I have done the same? Of course! Can you do the same? Of course! It's up to you to decided exactly what you want. Be clear on your goals as well because ‘when’ you offer a great service, you get offers to do more great work. When does it end for you? When is enough, enough? The success will come quickly.

Understanding ‘when’ it’s enough, is just as important as to how to start a corporate wellness business because the other benefits of why become unfortunately obsolete. You forget why you started in the first place and the promise of ‘when’ I get there, is forgotten:
Time and money freedom
Work life balance and integration
Life transformation
To find out more, schedule a chat.